When is it time for Hospice

Studies have shown that when a person enrolls in hospice care they are more likely to have increased family satisfaction and better symptom and pain management. They are also less likely to undergo tests or be given medication they don’t need or want.

This allows your loved one to connect with family and loved ones in a deeper and more meaningful way.

One of the most common sentiments we hear is:
“I wish I had chosen hospice care sooner.”

If you are asking yourself if now is the right time to choose hospice care, the answer is probably “yes”.

How to know when it’s time to call hospice care.

Hospice care at the optimal time gives your loved one the gift of time. They can come to terms with their diagnosis, spend time reminiscing, say goodbyes, get their affairs in order and focus on quality of life at the end of life.

Here are 3 questions to help you decide if it’s time for hospice.

1) Is your loved one facing a life-limiting disease such as: 

Cancer, Cardiac Disease, Dementia/Alzheimer’s, Respiratory Diseases, Stroke, End-stage Liver / Kidney Disease, Degenerative Neurological Disease

2) Is your loved one showing sign of decline such as:

  • A doctor has certified your loved one with six months or less to live if the condition/disease is unaltered
  • Medications are no longer effective
  • Treatment is no longer working and/or they no longer desire aggressive intervention
  • Treatments such as chemotherapy or rehab create side effects that increase suffering
  • Their symptoms are getting harder to manage
  • They’re visiting the doctor or hospital more often
  • They often seem confused or restless
  • They’re less able to communicate
  • They don’t have much appetite or are losing weight for no apparent reason
  • They sleep much of the time
  • They are becoming unable to perform daily activities such as: personal hygiene, dressing, eating, maintaining continence
  • They have multiple recurrent infections
  • You’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed as a caregiver

3) Have you taken the patient’s wishes into consideration?

If your loved one has made it clear that certain procedures or interventions should or should not be pursued in the face of a life-limiting illness, the hospice team can craft a care plan that honors your loved one’s wishes. We will focus on pain and symptom management, honoring their goals, and focusing on quality of life and time with friends and family.

If you have questions about hospice appropriateness, contact Harry Hynes Hospice now. Our team will be able to answer questions and meet with family and patient (as able) to discuss options. Aided by this information, you’ll have a better sense of when the time is right for hospice care.